February 22, 2025
VIDEO. The tennis match on the chelenger was interrupted through the shots. APC came thumbnail

VIDEO. The tennis match on the chelenger was interrupted through the shots. APC came

But duels at the tournament in Brazavil were restored as if nothing happened”, – WRITE: Sport.ua

This week in the capital of Congo Brazavili The soil cheeleager passes.

On February 18, Tuesday, the 1/16 finals are continuing.

In the broadcasters of the Dutch Guy Dan Ouden (APR 341), sown under the fifth number, and the “neutral” of Ivan Denisov (ATR 1119) were terrible footage.

Shots were heard and the appropriate consequences after them. The tennis players did not immediately understand what happened. But then they hastily left the court with the judges. Another frame shows that near the stadium the APC came.

However, the duels were restored as if nothing had happened. Ouden won with a score of 6: 1, 6: 3, and the following matches on the gelenger are playing right now.

VIDEO. The tennis match on the chelenger was interrupted through the shots. APC came

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