“IGA is not included in the Polish team application, the KBDK selection games will take place in early April”, – WRITE: Sport.ua
In one group of polka and Swiss will play with the team of Ukraine.
The second racket of the world, Iga Swontek, did not get into the Polish national team. And the Olympic champion of 2020 Belinda Benchich is on the list of the Swiss team.
The captains of the national teams can be amended by April 6. Earlier it became known who would present Ukraine in the qualification of the KBDC.
All meetings between Ukraine, Poland and Switzerland will take place in the city of Radom (Poland) on closed soil courts. In the final stage of the KBDC will be the national team, which will be the first in the group.
The composition of the Polish national team for KBDK qualification:
- Magdalen French
- Magda Linett
- Maya Khvalinskaya
- Katarzhina Coffee
Swiss national team composition for KBDK qualification:
- Belinda Bencic
- Taihman’s Gill
- Victoria Golubich
- Celine Neph