“They already knew what he plans to leave the national team. This is his decision. He did not consult me, did not even tell me. If someone thinks it is because of me … who is well familiar with me, the one is aware of my human qualities. I do not gather to justify myself, I have never done it. But this is his decision. He makes big money and playing for the national team is the risk of injury. I was ready for such a decision.
Although we included it in the national team at the beginning of the year, it was a gesture of goodwill. He did not answer the call to the last, and then sent a list of questions. For example, how to finance the team, whether there will be health insurance. Yes, as if there was no insurance before, and players lived at the stations. We answered that we will give the answers to all the questions on the first day of the gathering, after all the players arrive.
Do I regret this decision by Plotnitsky? It is a pity that it happens, but everyone chooses their way, ”Melnyk said.
Source: Sport.ua