“Donetsk club can head Karlush Carvalyal”, – WRITE: Sport.ua
According to the Telegram-channel “Insides from Pasichnik 2.0”, the Ukrainian Grand aimed at Karlush Karvallah’s coach “Bragi”. The Portuguese specialist is a priority option to replace Pushich. In the 2017/18 season, Karlush worked in Sowns, which took 18th place and flew out of the APL as a result of the season.
The nomination of Ruslan Rotan is also considered.
In the current season, Braga Karlush Karvallala goes in the 4th place of the Portugal Championship, having 53 points in his asset. The Europa League took 25th at the main stage and left the tournament.
Earlier it was reported that Napoli was aimed at buying Sudakov in the summer.