September 25, 2024
The Georgian delegation to the UN did not applaud Biden for his words about Ukraine after the cancellation of the meetings thumbnail

The Georgian delegation to the UN did not applaud Biden for his words about Ukraine after the cancellation of the meetings

The administration of US President Joe Biden refused to meet with the Georgian delegation and canceled the invitation of the Prime Minister of Georgia to a reception”, — write:

The Georgian delegation led by Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze during the session of the UN General Assembly did not applaud US President Joe Biden when he spoke about support for Ukraine, Radio Liberty’s “Echo of the Caucasus” project noted.

During his last speech at the UN General Assembly before the end of his term, Biden said that “we will not give up our support for Ukraine until Ukraine wins and achieves lasting peace.”

The Georgian delegation did not respond to these words with applause.

Earlier it became known that the administration of US President Joe Biden refused to meet with the Georgian delegation and canceled the invitation to the reception of the Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze. This was reported by the Georgian publication Netgazeti with reference to the US Embassy.

The agency explained that the invitation was canceled due to “anti-democratic actions of the Georgian authorities, misinformation and negative rhetoric directed at the United States and the West.”

The ruling Georgian Dream party is under fire from Georgia’s Western allies after it introduced a law on “foreign agents” that opponents say will stifle the media and independent voices. In May, the Parliament of Georgia finally adopted the law, overcoming the veto of President Salome Zurabishvili.

The Georgian Dream party insists that the new law is necessary to ensure transparency of the country’s political situation and protect its sovereignty, while the Georgian government denies the unjustified use of force against demonstrators.

The United States, after suppressing protests in Georgia, said it was reviewing its bilateral relations with the Caucasian country, which has long been supported by Washington. The European Union also criticized the actions of the ruling party and said that decisions such as the law on foreign agents would negatively affect the country’s hopes of joining the EU.

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