““Representatives of the majority did not respond to our proposal, as the Committee on Freedom of Speech, to hold consultations with journalists and media experts””, — write: www.radiosvoboda.org
Previously, media and human rights organizations of Ukraine repeatedly called on the People’s Deputies of Ukraine to withdraw their support for this draft law.
Media experts believe that the draft law does not take into account comments regarding the need to introduce protection mechanisms for persons who disclose confidential information in the public interest, in particular, journalists and whistleblowers of corruption.
“Representatives of the majority did not respond to our proposal, as the Committee on Freedom of Speech, to hold consultations with journalists and media experts. That is, it was indirectly confirmed that the draft law is needed only in order to close the possibility for investigators to ask uncomfortable questions about the abuse of power. If the goal is to strengthen the protection of registries, then such a mechanism can definitely be found. Together,” Yurchyshyn said.
On December 17, the Law Enforcement Committee of the Council for the second time supported draft law No. 10242 for re-reading.
On December 4, deputies did not support and sent for a repeated second reading the draft law on strengthening criminal liability for the dissemination of information from electronic registers, which, according to journalists, threatens freedom of speech and the fight against corruption.
Draft Law No. 10242 provides for “amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding the establishment of criminal liability for unauthorized interference, sale or distribution of information processed in public electronic registers and strengthening criminal liability during martial law for criminal offenses in the use of information and communication systems” . The document was registered in the parliament on November 9, 2023.