““In the next few days, the final version will be presented to the president, and I hope that we will be able to discuss it and bring it to the parliament””, — write: www.radiosvoboda.org
According to her, now Reshetylova has a coordinating role in the preparation and adoption of the document.
“We worked on it before, I was a member of the working group created on the basis of the Ministry of Defense, and it is almost finalized. I think that literally in the next few days the final version will be presented to the president, and I hope that we will be able to discuss it and bring it to the parliament,” she said.
Read also: Zelensky announced the simplification of obtaining officer ranks for soldiers with combat experience
Reshetylova added that immediately after the appointment “she received a huge number of complaints that need to be responded to, and we are already working on it.”
On December 30, President Zelenskyy signed a decree on the appointment of Olga Reshetylova (Kobylinska) as the representative of the President of Ukraine for the protection of the rights of military personnel and their family members.
On the same day, he announced that Reshetylova would be engaged in the preparation of a draft law on the military ombudsman.