September 23, 2024
Repeated pollution is moving along the path of the Seimas, - the Ministry of Natural Resources thumbnail

Repeated pollution is moving along the path of the Seimas, – the Ministry of Natural Resources

At the same time, the situation in Desna is stabilizing.”, — write:

At the same time, the situation in Desna is stabilizing.

River pollution recorded in Ukraine / UNIAN collage / photo, WikipediaRiver pollution recorded in Ukraine / UNIAN collage / photo, WikipediaThe Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine reports that repeated pollution continues along the Seim River.

On their page in the Facebook social network, they noted that according to paragraph p. Improvements are recorded in Chumakovo – there the transparency of the water has increased, but the yellow-green, in places grayish shade remains. In the points of Mutyn and Ozarychi water is cloudy, the level of chemical oxygen consumption exceeds the norm by 4.3 times. There is no dissolved oxygen.

In the Baturyn point, there is a darkening of the water, a slight specific smell, but the sea of ​​fish is not recorded. Chemical oxygen consumption exceeds the norm by 1.1 times, but the oxygen regime is normal. Exceeding the manganese content – up to 1.3 times. No excesses were recorded for ammonium nitrogen, total iron, nitrites, phosphates and chlorides.

“Further downstream, the water quality indicators did not change during the day. The water is clear, there is practically no sediment at the bottom, there is no unpleasant smell, and no fish disease is observed,” the Ministry of Natural Resources notes.

At the same time, the situation on the Desna River is stabilizing. In the entire length of the Chernihiv region, the water has become lighter, in some places there is no sediment of a dark color on the bottom, an unpleasant smell and fish plague. Living aquatic bioresources appear in the river. The movement of pollution in the Kyiv region is not recorded.

Pollution of rivers in UkraineAt the end of August, the first reports appeared about possible water poisoning in Desna. The detection of pollutants in the Seim River was also reported.

According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, the pollutant could have entered the river on the territory of Russia. For example, from one of the Russian factories.

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