September 19, 2024
People's Deputy Kucherenko calls on the government to prevent the bankruptcy of the strategic refinery "Ukrtatnafta" thumbnail

People’s Deputy Kucherenko calls on the government to prevent the bankruptcy of the strategic refinery “Ukrtatnafta”

The People’s Deputy notes that Ukrtatnafta’s Kremenchug Refinery may be declared bankrupt due to the actions of Serhiy Koretskyi, who simultaneously heads both Ukrnafta and Ukrtatnafta.”, — write:

The People’s Deputy notes that Ukrtatnafta’s Kremenchug Refinery may be declared bankrupt due to the actions of Serhiy Koretskyi, who simultaneously heads both Ukrnafta and Ukrtatnafta.

The People's Deputy warns that the Kremenchug Oil Refinery is at risk of bankruptcy/ UNIAN photoThe People’s Deputy warns that the Kremenchug Oil Refinery is at risk of bankruptcy/ UNIAN photoUkrtatnafta’s strategic Kremenchug Refinery may be declared bankrupt due to the actions of Serhii Koretskyi, who heads both Ukrnafta and Ukrtatnafta at the same time.

People’s deputy Oleksiy Kucherenko warns about this in his post on Facebook. He emphasizes that Koretsky uses his dual appointment to manipulate financial flows between two state-owned companies. According to the people’s deputy, these actions can lead to serious consequences for “Ukrtatnafta” and its further functioning.

“Together with my assistants, we analyzed the relationship between Ukrnafta and Ukrtatnafta, and discovered that in fact money is being siphoned off from one company for the benefit of the other, which, under Koretsky’s leadership, is driving the first to bankruptcy,” Kucherenko notes. According to him, the revenues of “Ukrnafta” for the first half of 2024 increased significantly, but this increase was possible only because of operations with petroleum products, which were artificially understated in accounting.

The People’s Deputy also draws attention to the fact that the financial reports of “Ukrtatnafta” do not reflect the real situation. Kucherenko emphasizes the critical shortage of oil that the company had in storage. As the deputy notes, this oil was processed into petroleum products because during the Russian missile attacks it was impossible to keep oil in huge tanks with a capacity of 50,000 tons. For this, the previous management produced the maximum possible amount of oil products from this oil and placed them in small tanks for products throughout the enterprise, which reduced the risk of their loss tenfold.

But when the head of “Ukrnafta” Koretsky also headed “Ukrtatnafta” and came to the Kremenchug Refinery, he noted the absence of oil and turned to law enforcement agencies with statements about the theft. The funniest thing is that he takes ready-made oil products that fell on him from the sky, sells them at market prices and positions himself as the most successful manager, the people’s deputy notes.

“Let’s go further, in the first half of 2023, Koretsky in Ukrtatnafta takes into account these discovered surpluses of petroleum products at zero cost, because there are no documents for them, and sells them to himself for pennies in Ukrnafta, which he also heads. Petroleum products obtained for nothing “Ukrnafta” sells to the market and the Ministry of Defense at market prices and receives a fantastic profit, which is spread all over the mass media as the achievements of the newly appointed state manager,” Kucherenko explains.

The People’s Deputy also emphasizes that legal disputes between two state-owned companies headed by Koretsky, who is essentially suing himself, can have devastating consequences for Ukrtatnafta.

“I would like to remind Mr. Koretsky, who heads, in addition to Ukrnafta, also Ukrtatnafta, that he has only 2 days left, allocated by the Supreme Court, to pay 1.5 million hryvnias in court fees. In case of non-payment of the fee The Supreme Court will close the proceedings and the Kremenchug Refinery headed by him must return to Ukrnafta or 183 thousand tons of oil, which no longer exists, because it has been processed, and the oil products have already been sold by Ukrnafta, or 6.4 billion hryvnias in cash, which Kremenchugsky has There is no refinery and there won’t be, because thanks to Koretskyi’s managerial talent, the entire profit center has been moved to Ukrnafta,” Kucherenko noted.

“The logical conclusion of the court decision will be the bankruptcy of the state’s strategic refinery” – sums up the people’s deputy and calls on the authorities to intervene in the situation to prevent a financial disaster for “Ukrtatnafta”, since its activities are critically important for providing the country with fuel during wartime.

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