September 30, 2024
Obtaining a Russian passport for TOT: the Ministry of Justice explained whether there will be a penalty thumbnail

Obtaining a Russian passport for TOT: the Ministry of Justice explained whether there will be a penalty

There will be no liability for the forced receipt of such a document.”, — write:

There will be no liability for the forced receipt of such a document.

Under the pressure of circumstances, people under occupation have to go to obtain a Russian passport / photo UNIAN, Oleg KutskyiUnder the pressure of circumstances, people under occupation have to go to obtain a Russian passport / photo UNIAN, Oleg KutskyiThere will be no liability in case of forced acquisition of a Russian passport by Ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories. This is stated in the clarification of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

It is noted that Russia defiantly violates the norms of international law in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

“The absence of legitimate authorities and justice, the systematic imposition of hostile narratives and massive violations of human rights have become the new reality that the Russian Federation has imposed on millions of Ukrainians under temporary occupation, replacing civilized living conditions with torture,” the report said.

It is noted that people under occupation have no choice, so they have to go to obtain a Russian passport under the pressure of circumstances.

It is said that in the territories under the control of the aggressor, there is a forcible Russification of citizens who have a Ukrainian passport. At the same time, Russia inflicts maximum suffering on the civilian population, because it considers the presence of a Ukrainian passport as an act of protest, therefore, during the occupation, local residents are forced to take Russian citizenship. The Ministry of Justice emphasized:

“Situations when a person is deprived of the opportunity to choose – a practice that is often used by the Russian occupation authorities in order to influence the behavior of a person, so that the latter acts not according to his own will, but under the pressure of circumstances due to the fear of repression or the establishment of illegal restrictions. One of the examples can serve as forced passporting in the temporarily occupied territories (TOT) of Ukraine, which is one of the numerous evidences of violation of citizens’ rights”.

At the same time, they emphasize that persons who committed a socially dangerous act in order to avoid ill-treatment will not be held liable. “Article 40 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, provided there is evidence of the use of mental coercion, provides them with full legal protection in court,” the Ministry of Justice emphasizes.

The ministry emphasizes that such documents have no legal force and are not recognized anywhere except in the occupied territories.

“Forcible passporting is illegal and is not recognized in Ukraine and the world, as it contradicts the principles and norms of international law and is a violation of the Geneva Convention on the Protection of the Civilian Population in Time of War. Responsibility for actions committed under duress or as a result of fear for one’s life cannot be equivalent to responsibility for the actions or inaction of those who knowingly support the enemy,” the message said.

Issuance of passports at TOTAs UNIAN reported, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets, emphasized that Ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories should take a Russian passport in order to save their lives or leave there in any way.

He noted that all citizens of Ukraine who refuse a Russian passport can be arrested and this will be a separate category of civilian hostages, whom the Russian Federation will keep in captivity, in prison on its territory or in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine.

He advised to take a Russian passport in order to survive the occupation and wait for the liberation of this territory. He added that forced passporting is a new separate war crime of the Russian invaders.

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