“Oleksandr Markushin / Photo Facebook.com/markushinoleksa Cave of Kyiv’s Pechersk District Court has chosen a preventive tool for Irpen Mayor Oleksandr Markushin in the form of 60 days of arrest with the opportunity …”, – WRITE: www.unian.ua
The State Bureau of Investigation opened the case against Markushin. He was accused of illegally crossing the state border in August 2022 during martial law for personal motives to visit a family in Italy. Despite the fact that Markushin is a single father and has the right to travel abroad even without registration in the “Path” system.
The court did not take into account any positive characteristics, including numerous awards, including the “for conscientious service” (2021), the Order “For Courage” of III Art. (March 24, 2022), NSDC District “Defender of Ukraine” (2022), medal from GR “with the assistance of military intelligence of Ukraine” II degree (2022); Medal “For Special Service of the III degree” from the commander of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces.
We will remind, on January 23 the DBR declared suspicion of mayor Irpen Alexander Markushin in allegedly illegal crossing the border. The mayor called it a “custom case” and stated that in this way businessman Vladimir Karplyuk wants to remove him from the post “on the eve of a critical session”, at which deputies should consider the cancellation of land lease under illegal buildings, which Karpluk has to do.