September 26, 2024
Business associations called on the government to develop a new reservation mechanism, - mass media thumbnail

Business associations called on the government to develop a new reservation mechanism, – mass media

Mobilization, summons, tsk / collage UNIAN, photo UNIAN Business associations call on the government of Ukraine to develop and approve an appropriate mechanism for economic reservation against the background of the mobilization of workers. They talked about it…”, — write:

Mobilization, summons, tsk / collage UNIAN, photo UNIANMobilization, summons, tsk / collage UNIAN, photo UNIANBusiness associations call on the government of Ukraine to develop and approve an appropriate economic reservation mechanism against the background of employee mobilization. This was discussed during the discussion of the issue of economic reservation at the EP forum “Ukrainian exports: is the window opening?” in Kyiv.

“The TCC does not go to look for those who evade, but comes to the working enterprise, stands on the passage and in half a day fulfills the norm for 2-3 months”, – said the president of OP “Ukrmetalurgprom” Oleksandr Kalenkov.

Despite the fact that all enterprises of the association are recognized as critically important for the economy, an average of 20% of employees have already been mobilized for them. For example, 3,500 workers have already been mobilized at the ArcelorMittal plant in Kryvyi Rih, about 10,000 workers at Metinvest enterprises, says Kalenkov.

“Our enterprises create many jobs in other industries and other regions of presence. One job in our industry creates eight in other industries,” he said.

In addition, according to the first deputy general director of “Interpipe” Denys Morozov, the industrial company can reserve only up to 50% of employees, which complicates the work. That is why entrepreneurs called on the government to develop such a reservation model that would take into account the economic component of business, because it is different for everyone, and not the level of wages.

Also, the government should allow the reservation of 100% of the personnel of enterprises that are officially included in the list of territories of active hostilities and recognized as critical for the country’s economy. This opinion was expressed by the first deputy general director of the company “Interpipe” Denys Morozov.

“For industrial enterprises in cities located in combat zones, a different logic should work regarding the procedure for booking employees. It should be possible to book not 50% of the staff, as is allowed now, but the entire staff,” he said.

As you know, information appeared earlier that the President’s Office abandoned the idea of ​​the so-called “economic reservation”, which provided for reservation only for Ukrainians with high salaries. This approach caused a wave of criticism among the military, experts and the public. But later some officials still returned to this idea.

Instead, economists say that the very idea of ​​reservations is not to save someone from service, but to prevent the economy from collapsing. Therefore, first of all, the government’s reservation models need to be discussed with Ukrainian employers.

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