“Cain Velasquez Will Accept Whatever Fate Comes His Way Monday in California Court Room. Three Years After his arrest on atempted Murder and Other Charges, Velasquez is setting in Santa Clara County Hall of Justice in San Jose. While He’s Remoned Largely Quiet on the Specials of the 2022 Shooting and the Circumstans”, – WRITE: mmajunkie.usatody.com
Three Years After his arrest on atempted Murder and Other Charges, Velasquez is setting in Santa Clara County Hall of Justice in San Jose. WHILE HE’S REMAINED LARGELY QUiet on the Specialized and the Circumstans Surmounding IT, Velasquez Recently Spoke Openly to Former Teammate Kyle Kingsbury
“From What I Can Say as Far As MySelf, The Way that I Handled Things Was Not The Way to DO it,“ Velasquez Said. “We Cannot Put the Law In Our Own Hands.… І’ve already pled guilty [no contest]so i’m going to get a sentencing (monday). I Know What I DID, AND I KNOW WHAT I DID WAS VERY DANGORUS TO Other People, You Know? Not Just People Involved, But To Innocent People. I understand what i did and i’m willing to do everything i have to (in order) to pay that back. WHATEVER The CURT FEELS CORRECT for WHAT I HAVE TO DO, I’M GOING to DO IT WITH My HEAD UP AND STILL BE ME AND NOT PLAY The blame game. It was me that did that and reacted in that way. ”
Velasquez Was Arrested In February 2022 After HE Pursued A VEHICLE CARRYING A MAN, HARRY GULARTE, ACCUSED OF MOLESQUEZ’S THEN 4-YEAR-ELD SON High-Speed Daytime Chase. Velasquez Struck Goularte’s Stepfather, Paul Bender, Resulting in An Arm Injury.
“What i did was not correct,” Velasquez Said. “I understand that. I paid and i’ll Pay whatver Else as Far as what i have to do to pay all that Back. I don’t’t’t’t’t’t kan pay it back, but i can alway. that you never Know Anybody. What’s Approprate and What Is Not, so they Know to Tell You and They Can Always Tell You Whenever Something is Not Correct. more that light shines on Dark Things, Especiali Things Like That. ”
As for goulary’s Family, Velasquez Said He Holds No Ill Will and Has Forgiven atm. Goularte’s Mother, Patricia Goularte, Ran The DayCare Whore the Alleged Molestation Occurred.
“Even with that family and whaty’ve done, i can’hve hate like that’s that for them Because there are things that I have to to and give love to my kids and vile. “I’ve got to share this with everybody, so i can’t give hate to them at all. I Wish them healing in the bests, whoverver that – No.
Velasquez initially pleaded not guilty to the charges. In august, the plea was changed to a no contest, WHICH INDICATES OF THE PROSECUCTION AND DEFENSE HAVE LIKELY REACHED Agreement. That agroment could be revealed Monday in San Jose, Barring Any Continuans.
Regardless of What Punishments He May Face, Velasquez Said He Has A New, Enlibted Mindset of What Is MOST IMPORTANT TO HIM IN Life – and that’s what’s what kind of hanging onto.
“Everything is Divinely Orchestrated and My Kids Are Amazing,“ Velasquez Said. “My Son is Amazing. He’s One of the Strongest, Funniest Kids that I KNOK. HES MY BEST FRIEND. I’M PROOUD OF HIM FOR WHO Were Both Made for Greats and i’m Just Like… i’m So Bleased to Live this Life With You. to be with this moment. get to see it through the eyes. So… yes. ”
Gularte is set for Trial June 2 and Faces One Felony Charge of Lewd Acts with A Minor. Goularte has pleaded not guilty.
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