September 26, 2024
More than 30 countries and the EU have adopted a Joint Declaration on Support for the Restoration and Reconstruction of Ukraine thumbnail

More than 30 countries and the EU have adopted a Joint Declaration on Support for the Restoration and Reconstruction of Ukraine

A meeting was held in New York in the format of “Group of Seven” + Ukraine, during which more than 30 countries and the European Union adopted a Joint Declaration on support for the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine. Joseph Biden emphasized that this declaration is being made public to demonstrate support for Ukraine now and in the future. ”, — write:

A meeting was held in New York in the format of “Group of Seven” + Ukraine, during which more than 30 countries and the European Union adopted Joint Declaration on Support for the Restoration and Reconstruction of Ukraine.

During the adoption of the Joint Declaration, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi, the President of the United States Joseph Biden, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the Prime Minister of Great Britain Keir Starmer, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Italy George Maloney and the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau spoke.

Joseph Biden emphasized that this declaration is being made public to demonstrate support for Ukraine now and in the future.
“I am determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to win and fight for its survival. Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for the Ukrainian military,” the US President said.

He also emphasized that the partner countries will help Ukraine move from economic stability to economic revival. According to Joseph Biden, income from frozen Russian assets will be used to rebuild the country.

Volodymyr Zelenskyi noted that this joint commitment will contribute to the restoration of Ukraine. It provides for the coordination of relevant efforts through the Ukrainian platform of donors. The President emphasized that this support should become tangible already this year.

“This shows our common outlook on life – we protect people, and we provide people with the opportunity to live. And it is absolutely justified that those who help us stand now will be the first – together with Ukraine – to benefit from large-scale reconstruction,” he emphasized.

The main points of the declaration: comprehensive support for the reconstruction of Ukraine on its way to EU membership, coordination of support through the Ukrainian donor platform, provision of additional financial support in the amount of about 50 billion dollars by the end of the year. the USA through revenues from frozen Russian assets, part of which will be directed to defense needs.

The signatories clearly stated that through their collective support for Ukrainian reconstruction and recovery, they would ensure that Russia could not achieve its goals, and would do everything possible to ensure that after the war, Ukraine had an economy resilient to Russian threats.

The joint declaration is open for signature.

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