September 19, 2024
A meeting with the EU Commissioner for Internal Affairs was held in the President's Office thumbnail

A meeting with the EU Commissioner for Internal Affairs was held in the President’s Office

On behalf of the President of Ukraine and the head of the Office of the Head of State, Deputy Head of the Office of the President Ihor Zhovkva held a meeting with the EU Commissioner for Internal Affairs Ilva Johansson, who was in Ukraine on a working visit.”, — write:

On behalf of the President of Ukraine and the head of the Office of the Head of State, Deputy Head of the Office of the President Ihor Zhovkva held a meeting with the EU Commissioner for Internal Affairs Ilva Johansson, who was in Ukraine on a working visit.

During the meeting, a number of issues regarding cooperation between Ukraine and the EU were discussed.

Ihor Zhovkva thanked the EU commissioner for the unprecedented assistance to our state and forced migrants on the territory of the member states, as well as for her personal significant contribution to deepening cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union.

The Deputy Head of the Office of the President presented Ilva Johansson with the 2nd degree Order of Merit on behalf of the Head of the Ukrainian State.

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