Shakhtar – Kryvbas – 0: 0
“Miner”: Rainbow, Bondar, Aeginaldo, Kryski, Swedes, Sudakov, Kevin, Pedro Enrique, Vinisius Tobias, Matvienko, Nazarina
Stock: Fesyun, Trarea, Arroyo, Marlon, Azarov, Gram, Elias, Glushchenko, Bondarenko, Konoplya, Neverton, Farina
Kryvbas: Tick, Ponvedelnik, Conda, Romanchuk, Dibango, D. Kuzik, Ilich, Khomchenovsky, Mendoza, Mykytyshyn, Sosa
Stock: Mahankov, Homa, Vilivald, Bandera, Amorozo, Ya. Shevchenko, Zadrak, Nodbaz, Lunov, Kamensky, Tverdohlib, Kozhushko
Arbitrator: Alexei Derevinsky
Arena Lviv Stadium (Lviv)
The Donetsk team won two victories after restoring the championship, overcoming the left bank (1-0) and Alexandria (3-0). Kryvorizhka, however, was disappointed in the two previous matches by losing Heather (0: 3) and Ingultsa (0: 2). These teams were not able to complete their confrontation of the first circle, which was interrupted at the beginning of the second half due to air alarm. This meeting should be released in April. will conduct a text broadcast of Shakhtar match – Kryvbas.

March 6 2025 –