March 22, 2025
Football Soccer, together with the national sponsor of the national team, brand “Lviv”, evaluates the actions of the players of the national team of Ukraine in the match of the UEFA League.”, – WRITE:, together with the national sponsor of the national team, brand “Lviv”, evaluates the actions of the players of the national team of Ukraine in the match of the UEFA League.

Many careful thoughts and no specifics – we were preparing for the first match against Belgium this time, because no one knew what to expect from the renovated team of Rudy Garcia. And it turned out that all these conversations of the Belgians about “normalizing the inner state inside the team” – it is just dust in the eyes of rivals. Well, that is, in fact.

And in fact, as soon as the first serious troubles arose, the “red devils” just disappeared from the field. Or they “removed” from there by the team of Sergei Rebrov, who over the cabecques of more than one opponent overcame for the cadence of the current coach. And no, we do not want victories. But if this is the case … We are not too bad. On Sunday, you should successfully close this page of history.

According to the results of the voting with the support of the national sponsor of the national team of Ukraine, the brand “Lviv”, the “Lev match” prize in the game against Albania received the defender of “Blue and Yellow” Ilya Zabar. A match for our central protection player could be published very interesting and ambiguous, because several times it was on the verge of losing the ball in the danger zone. However, as a result, the surname of the Zabarny – in the protocol, and even in the “scorched balls” column. This is worth attention. Although the duel against Lukaka will require the second act in a few days. evaluates the game of Ukrainian national team players in a match at Enrique Rock Stadium (on a 10-point scale).


Andriy Lunin – 7.0. The decision of our coaching staff to choose a goalkeeper for this match was one of the secrets to the last, and eventually stopped in Lunin. Collection for the Madrid real on the opposite side of the field in the gate frame? Obviously, this psychological factor was taken into account. And in the end, Andrew left behind this duel, because, as they joked in the comments, “Lunin missed from Lukaka, but Kurtua – from Hutsulak, Vanata and Zabarny.” Without any hint and image, of course. Beyond, where Bryune has never punched his long -haired blows.

Yukhim Konoplya / Alexei Sich – 6.0. This kind of coincidence attacked our right flank of defense, and otherwise you will not say, because to lose all the direct candidates for this position in the application in one match – this fate clearly returned to us not that place. Hemp played a little more than 20 minutes, the gray – approximately half of the game time. Each of them had both successful and not too successful actions in the attack, as well as certain achievements and lost duels in defense. But this does not change the meaning of things-we will not see both players in the match-answer.

Ilya Zabarn (8.0) – Mykola Matvienko (7.5) – 7.5. The fans appealed to this match, but Matvienko played a role in defense. It may not be so noticeable, because in the final protocol of his name we did not see, but no less significant. It is only one moment with the missed goal to call into doubt on our central defenders, because it was not necessary to think about Lukak during the standard. But this unfortunate episode really was not systematic.

Vitaliy Mykolenko – 6.5. Our left flank in this game was generally inactive in terms of attack, but when in the second half, everyone ran forward to score goals, that Nikolenko did not slow down with connections. However, Everton’s representative was more concentrated on defense actions, although he collected about as many successful episodes of the struggle as both partners on the opposite side of the field.

Ivan Kalyuzhny – 7.0. Again, Super-Ivan gave all his forces for the sake of the team, so at the end of the game he just fell off his feet to the lawn. Was it a bright match for our support? Probably not – and it is, in fact, for the better, because he has attached his share of the struggle to a common cause without losing any martial arts on earth.

Victor Tsigankov – 7.5. We attacked in this match with a very great focus on the right flank, so Tsygankov was simply intended to become one of the leaders of our attack. The goal pass could come to Victor at the beginning of the game, but Yaremchuk wasted his opportunity, while the vanat in the second half – no. And in general, with three strands for exacerbation for the game, the midfielder of Gironi made enough to make the coaching plan to realize.

Alexander Zinchenko – 7.0. The central midfielder (or at all right defender – and such a challenge was thrown by fate) spent two different halves, like the whole team. And when it was needed, Zinchenko took over the leadership and pulled the team forward. In fact, from his shot from the penalty area to the right stable and the show began those goals at the Kurtua’s possessions after a break.

Mykola Shaparenko – 6.0. When the whole team ran, Shaparenko ran, but the contribution of our midfielder to this game was still not as significant as we would like to see it. Because in the first half there was no mention of Nicholas on the field at all, and in the second emotion was already so horsted that it was possible to overcome his involvement in the second goal episode on our part.

Georgy Sudakov – 7.0. We still guessed with Sudakov, who had to remember our initial stages of careers during the prediction of the starting staff of the national team of Ukraine. But George’s functional role, especially in the first half, was clearly not as significant as in other circumstances in previous matches. The emphasis on the opposite side of the attack and the reduction of free space was not particularly turned, but in the second half, when Sudakov was moved closer to the center, it was another matter. The two previous ones to goal action on his part can not but mark.

Roman Yaremchuk – 6.0. One moment is one goal. This is how attackers should work against rivals of this level, and if Vanat has comprehended this thesis, Yaremchuk was close to the goal at the beginning of the match, but did not play Kurtua. And then we gave way to the rivals in dynamics, and eventually the forward was removed from the game in the middle of the second half.

Yegor Yarmolyuk – 6.5. They tightened one of our representatives of the APL to the debut in the ranks of the national team, although the preconditions were not the best. In the end, Yarmolyuk was only mistaken during the gear on partners, which was already a worthy indicator, and in general he worked steadily in the center of the field. Next will be …

Vladislav Vanat – 7.5. 11 minutes for a scored ball, the same “one moment – one goal”. What other questions can be for the attacker that appears on the replacement field when his team loses? Why didn’t I score the second? Well, he did not have time to fly in the duty for another shot of Tsigankov, with whom it did not happen. Seven touches the ball that Vanat has made in this match in general is a very solid efficiency. And the place in the starting composition for the match-answer as prizes, apparently, also.

Alexei Gutsulyak – 7.5. All These 3: 1 actually began with the fact that a player appeared on the field and the first episodes did not ascended the rival as soon as he slowed down at the ball. This is not enough in the first half – so that someone was moving forward and not waiting for the Belgians to move into the final third. Hutsulak on the joy of the debut ball for the national team and the second ran away, but it is better not to mention – it will ruin the overall picture.

Yegor Nazarina – The last replacement instead of a exhausted puddle, and as a result, Nazarin has only time to touch the ball. There is no doubt in the fact that Yegor can give no less work for Ivan in the match. But will it give him the opportunity to show himself ribs from the first minutes? This is where the situation is ambiguous.

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