“Earlier it was reported that the Munich people do not count on the player.”, – WRITE: Football.ua
March 14 2025, 19:38
Bavaria can extend the contract with a gift Earlier it was reported that the Munich people do not count on the player.

Eric Gifier, Getty Images March 14 2025, 19:38
The Munichs have appreciated the good performances of a 31-year-old Englishman in the last weeks. However, the final decision on the future player has not yet been made.
Bavaria will negotiate with a gift. The defender himself is interested in updating his agreement with the club.
Recall that Erica contract loses validity after the season is completed-2024/25. He is now in account in one assistant in 17 matches of all the tournaments of the current campaign.
Yesterday, March 13, his agreement with Bavaria was updated by midfielder Joseph Kimmich.