September 25, 2024
Football Soccer

Enemy drones have become a big problem for soldiers. Therefore, they need an urgent purchase of an electronic warfare device for a combat vehicle.”, — write:

Enemy drones have become a big problem for soldiers. Therefore, they need an urgent purchase of an electronic warfare device for a combat vehicle.

Ukrainian military, Getty Images

Ukrainian military, Getty Images September 25, 2024, 7:26 p.m

Fighters of the first battalion of the 110th brigade, who defend Ukraine in the Pokrovsky direction, contacted the editorial office and asked for help in the fight against enemy drones, which have become a big problem. In particular, soldiers need a means of electronic warfare for the vehicle in which they perform combat missions.

“Dear Ukrainians, we, the 110th brigade of the first battalion, are in the Donetsk direction near Pokrovsk, and we need help in purchasing a EW device for the car on which we carry out the task of destroying the enemy. Everyone who wants to, everyone who likes, everyone who loves football, who respects the Armed Forces of Ukraine, please help us as much as possible,” they said in their video message.

Therefore, we announce the collection and call on everyone who cares to contribute to helping the defenders of the country and bringing our victory closer.


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