“Otello May Hust Hit Broadway, But The Future of Seeing It on the Silver Screen – with Denzel Washington – Looks Promising, Too. The Highly Anticipated Show Starring Washington and Jake Gyllenhaal Celebrated ITS Official Opening on Sunday. Last Year, Washington Told Australia’s Today About a Number of Projects He Had Coming Up. Broadway’s Othello”, – WRITE: www.hollywoodReporter.com
The Highly Anticipated Show Starring Washington and Jake Gyllenhaal Celebrated ITS Official Opening on Sunday. Last Year, Washington Told Australia’s Today About A Number of Projects Had Coming Up. Broadway’s Otello Was One of Them, But So Was The Film Version.
The Play’s Director, Kenny Leon, Told The Hollywood Reporter on the Red Carpet at the Otello OPENING THAT THERE HAVE “ABOLUTELY” ALREADY BEEN TALKS About Adapting The Play Into A Film. Leon, Who’s Now Worked with Washington on Three Projects (A raisin in the sun, FENCES), Added that he hopes gylelenhaal could also return. “I would hope so, absolutely, that’s what i would hope would happen,“ He Said.
Leon Went On to Say He Doesn’T KNOW What Otello would look as a Film, Because It’s “Two Different Art Forms.” But Regardless of theatrical or Cinematic Approach, The Story ‘Still “Got to Tell The Same Truth.” So, for now, “we’re trying to get this up First,” Leon Said.
Since The Show Has Been Playing in Previews Since Feb. 24, Otello Has Made Box Office History. In it Second Week, The Show Broke the Record for Highest Weekly Gross for a Broadway Play by Earning $ 2.8 Million in Its Second Week.
The William Shakespeare Play, Set in “The Near Future,” Sees Gyllenhaal’s Iago Manipulate Denzel’s Title Character Into Thinking His Wife, Desdemona (Molly OsBoryne), is Having. “IT’s Important for Today Because, for 100s of Years, We’re Still Dealing with Ourselves. Humanity is Still Struggling with It3 “This Play Is About Pure Love But What HapPens to Pure Love Who’s Rumors and Lies and Jealousy. And All that’s Timely for Every Generation.”
Washington is Also No Stranger to Shakespeare. AT 22 YEARS OLD, HE PLAYED Otello While A Student at Fordham University. In 2005, He Starred As Marcus Brutus in Broadway’s Julius caesar and Led The 2021 Film The tragedy of macbth.
Castmembers Osborne and Neal Bledsoe, Who Plays The Duke of Venice, Are Both Game to Reprise their Roles in a Otello Movie. “His macbth translated into the medium of film, so i THINK THAT THRIS Wuld be the Same Thing Quite Well,“ BLEDSOE SAID.
Otello is now playing at the Ether Barrymore theater Through June 8.