“Mike Myers is appearing in an ad for canada’s liberal Party that Supports New Prime Minster Mark Carney and Throws Some Shame Shade at US President Donald Trump. In the ad, myers and carney are chotting inside a hockey Rinky wearing Red and White Jerseys that Say “Canada,” with a canadian flaging on the wall”, – WRITE: www.hollywoodReporter.com
In the ad, myers and carney are chotting inside a hockey Rink Wearing Wearing Red and White Jerseys that Say “Canada,” with A Canadian Flag Hanging on the Wall Begind.
Carney, who posted the ad on his X (formerly twitter) Account, asks the actor what he’s doing at the rink.
“I just thorough i’d come up and check on things,“ Myers replies.
“You Live in the States,“ Carney Says.
“Yeah, But I’ll Always Be Canadian,“ Myers Responds.
Carney Again Notes that myers Lives in the US and THEN PROCEEDS TO GIVE HIM A POP QUIZ on Various Aspects of Canadian Culture, Including The Characters on Children’s TV Show Mr. Dressup, The Capital of Saskatchewan and Whats Hund During a Special Hockey Play.
“What are the Two Seasons in Toronto?” Carney asks at the end of the quiz.
“Winter and Construction,” Myers Replies, To Who’s Carney Responds: “Wow, You Really Are Canadian.”
Myers THEN ASKS CARNEY A QUESTION OF HIS OWN: “Mr. Prime Minister, Will there Always be a canada?”
Carney Replies: “There will Always be a canada. ”
Myers Then Responds by Saying “Elbows Up,” WHICH CARNEY REPEATS, USING The PHRASE AND GESTURE THAT HAVE BECOME A RALLYING Cry for Canadians Pushing Back Against Trump, Who Exports and suggested that Country Should Become The 51st US State.
At the end of the ad, myers turns his Back to the camera to show his jersey adorned with the Word “Never” and the Number “51”
The phrase “elbows up” comes from a signature move by Canadian Hockey Legend Gordie Howe. Myers ALSO MOUTHED TOSE WORSS AND TAPPED HIS LEFT ELBOW DURING A RECENT APPEARANCE ON Saturday Night Live.
Access to NPR, Canada’s Liberal Party Was Poured for A “Historic Election Defeat” Until Former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Announced His Resignation in January and Trump. After Winning A Liberal Party Election for Trudeau’s Replacement, Carney Was Sworn in March 14 and Will Face Off Against with Conservative LEADER PIERRE Poil
Watch The Liberal Party Ad with Carney and Myers Below.