“According to Miroslav Polyatayko-Gusak, she still has negative memories of castings.”, – WRITE: www.unian.ua
According to Miroslav Polyatayko-Gusak, she still has negative memories of castings.

In particular, the woman stressed that there were cases before the start of a full -scale war, when she was forced by directors in Russian in the frame.
“I have not quite pleasant moments from the cinema. I passed a lot of castings, where the directors brazenly forced me to speak Russian. When I heard it, I just refused to work. For example, there was a entertaining movie” Witalka “, where I had to go to Russian, I did not stand it.” LIME “.
The actress added that there were many such stories. However, she always felt unpleasant emotions, which she says:
“It has always been disgusting for me. So I have thrown a movie for myself. I think not always, but now it does not attract my attention. I like the theater that today I can play one performance on stage, and tomorrow I can do it again, but much more interesting. I love to experiment and do a lot. Nothing is impossible. ”
We will remind, earlier actress Olga Atanasova spoke about working with colleagues-Russians and how she felt inferiority on the site.
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