“David Schwimmer On Tuesday Called On His Fellow Jewish Members of Hollywood to Stand Up Against Antisemitism. Schwimmer Made The Comments Durying the Anti-Defamation League’s Annual Never Is Now Conference in New York. Schwimmer Has Been Vocal On the Subject of Antisemitism, Previoously Asking Elon Musk to Ban Kanye West From X (Formerly Twitter) Over”, – WRITE: www.hollywoodReporter.com
Schwimmer Made The Comments Durying the Anti-Defamation League’s Annual Never Is Now Conference in New York. Schwimmer Has Been Vocal On the Subject of Antisemitism, Previoously Asking Elon Musk to Ban Kanye West From X (Formerly Twitter) Over His Antisemic Tirades and Actions.
“My Career Has Given Me An Incredible Platform, A CHANCE TO TALK About the Issues that Matter to me, and on a good day, a chance to be heard over the noise that Drown, Drown, Too Many Pue. “I BELIEVE WITH THAT PRIVILEGE Comes A Responsibility to Use My Voice in Moments Like This, At A Time of Danger, Bigotry and Violence.”
Schwimmer Went on to Acknowledge that “Speaking Onthen Comes at A Cost” and that “Like So Many Others, I’ve Been Attacked and Threatened by People I’ve Never Met. I’ve been abandoned by people i Thought were friends and by organizations i Thought were allies, but i’ve also found amazing moments Out there have an our backs, incredible allies that we can we will get away through this together, that our spirit is unbreakable, Our joy is irrepressible. ”
He Continued, “I get that speaking out is hard. PLANTY OF PEOPLE I RESPECT, EVEN SOME OF MY HEEES IN Entertainment, Music and Sports, Have Chosen to Kiep a Low Profile and Sit this One Out, Incling -Winge Who’s HAZE HAZE HAZE Identity, and other who have won a clam for playing Jews on Screen. Somem are doing a lot behind the Scenes, Privately and in their Own Way, But So Many Have Chosen Not to Say Anything Publicly at All. And if i can say someting Directly to them:
I Really Wish You would. ”
Schwimmer’s Call to Action Was Met with Cheers From The Crowd, and He Continued Over the Noise: “I Wish You Wow Stand Up. I Wish You would Speak Out, Because Your Voice Wound Be SO MEANINGFUL to YOUR FANS WHO LOVE YOU, TO YOUR COMMUNITY MEMBERS WHO NEED YOU, TO Folks Who Can Use.
In reference to the israel-Hamas War, Schwimmer Said, “No One’s Asking You to Solve the Conflict of the Middle East. Just Say That You Stand With Your Jewish Friends, Colleagues and Neighbors Against Hatred
and What’s HapPening on Our College Campuses and In Our Schools and to Jewish-Businesses Is Totally Unacceptable. ”
HE THEN REFERENCED Elie Wiesel’s Quote, “The Opposite of Love is Not Hate, It’s Indo -Inding,“ What Is Indifferentnce? It’s Inaction. It’s Silence. SomeTimes in Moments of Danger, It Could Feel Like Our Only Option Is To Stay Quiet, to Avoid Drawing At OurSelves, To Hide. But Here’s the Truth, now is not the time to disappear. Now is the time to show up, to reach, to Connect with One Another, to Find Strenguth In Our Community and to Raise Up Our Voices Together. WHY DON’T WE DO THAT? ”
Schwimmer Concluded his speech by noting that tuesday’s Conference would Honor “A Group of People Who A perfect World. ”
The Adl’s Never Is Now Conference Was Hosted by Hen Mazzig, and Ran March 3 and 4. Gal Gadot Also Delivered a Keynote Speech. She Told the Crowd, “MOST OF US WILL NERE HAVE ExperienCed A WORSE TIME FOR ANTEISEMITISM IN OUR Lifetimes, But We Should Feel Safer Knowing That Adl Has Our Backs.”