September 19, 2024
Ursula von der Leyen presents the new team of European Commissioners: who will work to support Ukraine thumbnail

Ursula von der Leyen presents the new team of European Commissioners: who will work to support Ukraine

Ursula von der Leyen presents the new team of European Commissioners: who will work to support UkraineThe President of the European Commission has announced the composition of the new team of 26 European Commissioners. Martha Kos
will be in charge of EU enlargement and support for Ukraine, and Kaja Kallas will be the High Representative and Vice President of
the European Commission.
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The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen presented a new team of European Commissioners, which includes 26 representatives of governments from different countries. In particular, the team includes a representative of Slovenia, Marta Kos, who will be responsible for EU enlargement and will work to support Ukraine. UNN reports this with reference to the press service of the European Commission.


Ursula von der Leyen said that each commissioner will be equally responsible for implementing the EC’s priorities. Each executive vice president will have his or her own list of tasks to work on together with other commissioners. That is why this time there will be no additional level of vice-presidents in the European Commission. 

Former Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas will be the High Representative and Vice President of the European Commission.   

Martha Kos from Slovenia will be the Commissioner for Enlargement –  responsible for the Eastern Neighborhood.

It is noted that it will work to support Ukraine – and continue to work on recovery, as well as support candidate countries to prepare them for accession.

 Henna Virkunen (Finland) will become Executive Vice President for Technology Sovereignty, Security and Democracy. 

Stéphane Sejourne (France) will be Executive Vice President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy.

Roxana Minzatu (Romania) will have the portfolio of Vice President for Human Resources, Skills and Readiness). 

Raffaele Fitto (Italy) will be responsible for cohesion and reforms. 

Maroš Šefčovič (Slovakia) will be the Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security. This is a new portfolio that also includes customs policy. 

The current Vice-President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis has retained his position – he will now be the Commissioner for Economy and Productivity and the Commissioner for Implementation and Simplification . 

ЄС надав Україні допомогу на 118 млрд євро, включаючи військову підтримку – ЄврокомісіяSeptember 17 2024, 09:59 AM • 13356 views

Croatian representative Dubravka Šuica, vice president in the previous Commission, has been appointed as the new European Commissioner for Mediterranean Affairs.

The Commissioner for Defense and Space will be Andrius Kubilius (Lithuania). He will work on developing the European Defense Union and strengthening investment and industrial potential.

The Commissioner for International Partnerships will be Josef Sikela (Czech Republic). 

Also, Kostas Kadis (Cyprus) will be Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans, Maria Luiz Albuquerque (Portugal) will be Commissioner for Financial Services and the Savings and Investment Union, Hajia Lahbib (Belgium) will be Commissioner for Crisis Preparedness and Management.

Magnus Brunner (Austria) will become Commissioner for Home Affairs and Migration. Jessica Roswall (Sweden) will be the Commissioner for Environment, Water Resilience and a Competitive Circular Economy.

Poland’s Piotr Serafin will become Commissioner for Budget, Anti-Fraud and Public Administration,  Dan Jorgensen from Denmark – will become Commissioner for Energy and Housing, Katerina Zakharieva from Bulgaria as Commissioner for Research and Innovation, and Michael McGrath (Ireland) as – Commissioner for Democracy, Justice and the Rule of Law.

Apostolos Tsitsikostas (Greece) will be the Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism, Christophe Hansen (Luxembourg) – for Agriculture and Food, Glenn Micallef (Malta) – for Intergenerational Justice, Culture, Youth and Sport. 

ЄС готує 40 млрд євро кредитів для України без участі США – FTSeptember 17 2024, 05:45 AM • 42924 views

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