“SBI employees detained the nominal owner of the company that operated in Ukraine under the PIN-UP online casino brand.”, — write: epravda.com.ua
SBI employees detained the nominal owner of the company that operated in Ukraine under the PIN-UP online casino brand. This was reported by the press service of the DBR. Sources of the EP in the law enforcement agencies reported that it is about Ihor Zotko. According to YouControl, he is the founder and beneficiary of Ukr Game Technology LLC and United FC LLC. The latter company was engaged in making payments in the Diya application and received a commission from it, but recently the application completely replaced the Zotko company with a state-owned one. Ukrgasbank”. The real owners of the commercial structure under the PIN-UP brand, which received a license for the organization of gambling games on the Internet, are Russians, the law enforcement officers say. Advertisement: A request for preventive detention is being prepared. The investigation found that the detainee did not have legal sources to contribute UAH 30 million to the authorized capital of the legal entity. It was also established that the detainee was in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus for quite a long time, where he spent time together with citizens of the Russian Federation – the real owners of the online casino, they claim law enforcement officers. Advertisement: “This online casino’s ties with representatives of the Russian Federation and Russian capital, as well as with entities subject to sanctions in Ukraine, have been documented,” the message says. Persons associated with online casino activities conduct their economic activities on the territory of the so-called “LPR”, thereby filling the aggressor’s budget. Their money finances the power bloc, the defense-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, as well as armed aggression against Ukraine. In addition, the person who directly controls the activities of the online casino, after the start of the full-scale invasion, financed the veterans of the so-called “SVO”. The same online casino continues to operate on the territory of Russia and on Russian web resources. On the basis of the collected evidence, the actual beneficial owners of the online casino and the top manager of the supervisory body were notified of suspicions of aiding the aggressor state, as well as the director and owner of the trademark and domain name. Currently, the court has chosen preventive measures in the form of custody of the beneficial owners of the online casino, the director and the owner of the trademark and domain name. We will remind: the owner of the company that provides all online payments through the state portal and application “Diya”, receiving a percentage from this, is the executive director of the Pin-Up.ua online casino.