““Anonymous telegram channels have spread information and clickback headlines that the Ministry of Finance is already planning to increase taxes for FOP. Such information is not true and is manipulative ””, – WRITE: www.radiosvoboda.org
“Anonymous telegram channels have spread information and clickback headlines that the Ministry of Finance is already planning to increase taxes for FOP. Such information is not true and is manipulative, ” – It is said in the Ministry’s message.
The Ministry of Finance noted that the legislative changes on the elements of a simplified taxation system will only be processed after the preconditions for such reform have been fulfilled – “not earlier than a year of the next one in which the measures on the safety of data use and access to information on the volume and circulation of taxpayers’ funds will be considered.”
“This process will take place in public and will require discussions with the public, business and all branches of the authorities, as well as with the involvement of international partners,” the statement reads.
The ministry stressed that only after public discussions will the legislative changes be considered and approved in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
At the end of last year in Ukraine approved tax -raising lawwhich, among other things, predicted an increase military collection from 1.5 to 5% (exception – servicemen). This fee is now paid by FOPs.
In addition, the document introduces 50% of banks tax, 25% of PP for financial companies and switching to the monthly reporting on income tax or income (PIT).