September 29, 2024
The import of cash currency reached the highest rate in ten years thumbnail

The import of cash currency reached the highest rate in ten years

The import of cash currency into Ukraine for January-September 2024 amounted to 9.89 billion dollars, which is 80.9% higher than the figure for the same period last year and 4.5% higher than the total amount of foreign currency imported in 2023.”, — write:

The import of cash currency into Ukraine for January-September 2024 amounted to 9.89 billion dollars, which is 80.9% higher than the figure for the same period last year and 4.5% higher than the total amount of foreign currency imported in 2023.

This is evidenced by NBU statistics, transmits “Interfax-Ukraine”.

According to statistics, the import of foreign currency in 2024 is the largest in the last 10 years. The last time so much cash was brought in was in 2014, $12.43 billion for the year.

In August, banks imported 1.09 billion dollars in equivalent to Ukraine, which, for their part, is less than in July, June and May.

US dollars and euros accounted for 77.5% and 22.5% of all imported cash currency in August, respectively.

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