February 24, 2025
Norway announced new aid to Ukraine: 300 million euros will go to the energy sector thumbnail

Norway announced new aid to Ukraine: 300 million euros will go to the energy sector

Norway announced new aid to Ukraine: 300 million euros will go to the energy sectorNorway will allocate 1 billion euros to Ukraine for humanitarian needs and support for civilians. An additional 300 million euros
will be directed to energy infrastructure and industry.
”, — write: unn.ua

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre has announced a new billion-euro aid package for Ukraine, which will be allocated for humanitarian needs and support for civilians. In particular, 300 million euros are expected to support Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. He said this during the “Support Ukraine” summit, according to a correspondent of UNN .

We will continue to provide strong support to Ukraine, to uphold the principles that are the basis for a lasting and just peace. I want to reiterate that by uniting our voices, we become stronger. As for Norway, I want to emphasize that we will provide one billion euros for humanitarian and civilian support

Støre also said that an additional €300 million would be allocated to support Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, following a request from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In addition, he announced financial guarantees of €4 million to rebuild and improve Ukraine’s infrastructure.

“And we have also opened a direct investment channel in your industry – 300 million euros will be allocated to your industry. And we may be able to cooperate with you in many areas, especially when it comes to drones,” Stoehr added.

Norway also plans to allocate 3.5 billion euros in 2025 to continue supporting Ukraine.


Norway has announced an extension of its support for Ukraine until 2030, with annual assistance of about 1.3 billion euros.

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