September 24, 2024
News on September 24: no changes to the minimum wage, AI in the Ukrainian army, problems with photos of the nuclear power plant and potatoes thumbnail

News on September 24: no changes to the minimum wage, AI in the Ukrainian army, problems with photos of the nuclear power plant and potatoes

What did they talk about today?”, — write:

About the NPP: Russia uses Chinese satellites for photographing Ukrainian nuclear power plants, possibly in preparation for possible strikes on them.

About the minimum: In 2024, the minimum wage was increased to 8,000 hryvnias, but in 2025 its amount will remain unchanged throughout the year.

About electricity: Nnational commission that carries out state regulation in the spheres of energy and communal services (NKREKP), raised electricity price for customers of the “last resort” supplier.

About AI: In Ukraine, the Defense Forces every week automatically reveal 12 thousand units of enemy equipment thanks to the Avengers artificial intelligence platform developed by the Innovation Center of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Exclusive EP

From gunpowder to clothes. How industrial hemp is being revived

Hemp growing is gradually reviving in Ukraine. Construction materials, clothes and even weapons are made from hemp.

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