September 20, 2024
News on September 20: restrictions on the use of Telegram, "Antonova" planes, IAEA about ZNPP thumbnail

News on September 20: restrictions on the use of Telegram, “Antonova” planes, IAEA about ZNPP

What did they talk about today?”, — write:

About IAEA: IAEA urges to the immediate withdrawal of Russian military and other personnel from the territory of the Zaporizhzhya NPP and the return of the plant to the control of the Ukrainian authorities to ensure its safety.

About the EU and credit: President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen during her visit to Kyiv on September 20 announced on the allocation of an EU loan to Ukraine in the amount of €35 billion.

About Telegram: National Cyber ​​Security Coordination Center (NCCC) passed the decision to limit the use of the Telegram messenger in state bodies, military formations and critical infrastructure facilities.

EP exclusives

About “Antonov”: Despite the loss of a third of the fleet of large cargo planes, the gross revenue of JSC “Antonov” airline this year will reach level of 2021.

“Antonov” executed the contract for the modernization of the An-32B aircraft to the fire version and handed it over to the State Emergency Service.

“Antonov” temporarily stopped work on the new An-225 “Mriya” aircraft

Mushroom skin. How a Ukrainian startup produces ecological material

A Ukrainian entrepreneur produces ecological leather from the roots of mushrooms. Will the new material replace the animal material?

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