September 19, 2024
News on September 16: attack on energy facilities, demand for motorcycles, pressure from the tax office thumbnail

News on September 16: attack on energy facilities, demand for motorcycles, pressure from the tax office

What did they talk about today?”, — write:

About the attack on energy facilities. During the past day under enemy fire got into civil energy infrastructure in Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Sumy, Kharkiv and Kherson regions.

About the demand for motorcycles. In August 2024, Ukrainians purchased 9.1 thousand of all motorcycles, which is 17.5% more than in the same period last year and 1.2% more than in July 2024.

About the tax pressure on the agricultural holding. Prometey is one of the agricultural holdings of Ukraine stated about financial difficulties and that it is on the verge of closing: it is cutting staff and closing three of its 28 elevators.

About Plan B “Metinvest”. Pokrovsk Coal Group supplies coking coal for Metinvest production, but in the event of a possible takeover of the Pokrovsk region by the Russians, the company has plan B

About the “most successful” camera for recording traffic violations. From January 1 to August 31, 2024, the camera “earned“over UAH 18 million in fines for speeding.

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