September 26, 2024
News of September 26: danger near the NPP, Kyiv's large debt to Naftogaz thumbnail

News of September 26: danger near the NPP, Kyiv’s large debt to Naftogaz

What did they talk about today?”, — write:

About Chernobyl: Pension fund accumulated a debt of 17 billion on pensions to Chernobyl residents.

About Russian attacks: The enemy at night on September 26 attacked three electricity transmission facilities, although no power outages are planned.

As a result of the Russian drone attack on the station building in Sumy Oblast suffered three railway workers were injured.

On the night of September 25 fixed flight of an unmanned aerial vehicle of the Russian Federation at a critically low altitude near the industrial site of the Rivne NPP.

About the assets of the Russian billionaire: Higher Anti-Corruption Court satisfied lawsuit of the Ministry of Justice against the Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov and his business partners for the confiscation of property worth UAH 2 billion.

About Naftogaz: Kyiv owed Naftogaz 20 billion hryvnias. They want to restructure part of it for 15 years.

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