September 19, 2024
News of September 19: blackout in winter, problems with "Kyivstar", accounting rate thumbnail

News of September 19: blackout in winter, problems with “Kyivstar”, accounting rate

What did they talk about today?”, — write:

About turning off the lights in winter. According to forecasts of experts interviewed by the Monitoring Mission of the United Nations Organization for Human Rights in Ukraine (UNHRM), power outages in winter will continue from 4 to 6 p.m. every day.

About problems with “Kyivstar”. Users of the largest Ukrainian operator “Kyivstar” en masse complain to failure: some have no mobile connection.

About the discount rate. Board of the National Bank approved the decision to keep the discount rate at the current level of 13%.

About the privatization of state banks. Verkhovna Rada approved in general, draft law #11474 on the peculiarities of privatization of state-owned banks.

About oil prices. The price of oil is low have changed on Thursday, as demand concerns dampened potential gains from a bigger-than-expected interest rate cut by the US Federal Reserve.

About the purchase of drones. SE Defense Procurement Agency of the Ministry of Defense in September based on the results of tenders concluded agreement for the supply of 1,300 DJI Mavic drones of various modifications for UAH 162.69 million.

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