September 19, 2024
News of September 18: privatization of the "Ukraine" hotel, half a trillion for defense thumbnail

News of September 18: privatization of the “Ukraine” hotel, half a trillion for defense

What was everyone talking about today?”, — write:

About defense spending. The Parliament adopted draft law #11417 in general on increasing the 2024 budget by UAH 500 billion for military needs.

About the hotel “Ukraine”. On September 18, the State Property Fund held an auction for the privatization of the “Ukraine” hotel in the center of Kyiv. The winner of the bidding was “Ola Fine” LLC of Maxim Krippa.

About Russian oil. Russian companies have increased the insurance of oil cargoes to India to 60%, which allows oil to be sold above the price ceiling of the G7 countries of $60.

About Gazprom’s debt. At least 19 companies from 11 European countries have filed lawsuits against Gazprom for breaching gas contracts, totaling 18.6 billion euros, or $20.6 billion.

About MHP. The Saudi investment company SALIC, a subsidiary of the State Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia, acquired part of the Ukrainian agricultural holding “Myronivskyi Hliboprodukt” (MHP).

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