“What did you talk about today?”, – WRITE: epravda.com.ua
What did you talk about today? On electricity: As a result of damage caused by hostile attacks on generation objects, on Tuesday, on February 4, emergency shutdowns were used in 8 areas. The Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Galushchenko denied the possible introduction of electricity shutdown schedules due to frosty weather in Ukraine, noting that only the attacks of the Russian Federation could be the only reason for such measures. About Yanukovych’s Business Son: Related to the son of former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, the company has sold half a million tons of coal from the occupied territories of Ukraine in the last two years. Advertising: About reduction: DVL (Datagroup, VOLIA, Lifecell) Group of Companies. % of IT department workers through business associations and optimization. About Ryanair: The largest European Lowcaster Ryanair prepares a plan that will restore flights to Ukraine within four to six weeks after the suspension of the war with the Russian Federation. Exclusives of the epiclem: the underwater war in the Baltic. Why is Russia destroying the critical infrastructure of EU and NATO? Unable to influence the countries that I support Ukraine, the Kremlin has decided to act with hybrid methods, breaking energy communications between EU members. If not responded, the Baltic incidents can be repeated in other seas. Dear deputies: how many citizens spend on privileges and privileges of people’s deputies people’s deputies have a number of benefits, including compensation for renting a home. How much does the state budget spend on it?