“Mortgages in Ukraine have become cheaper: at what percentage can you get a loanIn January, Ukrainian banks issued 475 mortgage loans for UAH 867 million, which is 29% more than in December. Most loans were
issued in Kyiv and the Kyiv region.”, — write: unn.ua
In January, Ukrainian banks issued 475 mortgage loans for a total amount of UAH 867 million, which is 29% higher than the volumes in December
Key findings of the survey:
- most loans in terms of volume and number were issued in the secondary real estate market;
- the weighted average effective rate in January was 8.3% per annum.
In the regional context, the most mortgage loans were issued in January:
- in the city of Kyiv and Kyiv region (260 agreements for a total amount of UAH 517.3 million, or 59.7% of the total volume);
- in the Lviv region (23 agreements for UAH 45.2 million);
- in the Ivano-Frankivsk region (22 agreements for UAH 33.7 million).
“The National Bank considers the development of mortgages as one of the priorities for 2025 and is working on a relevant strategy,” the NBU emphasized.
During the survey, responses were provided by 41 banks with a share of 99% of the total gross mortgage portfolio as of the end of 2021, of which 14 banks informed about the issuance of new mortgage loans.