September 26, 2024
Five regions of Ukraine have completed sowing winter rape thumbnail

Five regions of Ukraine have completed sowing winter rape

Five regions of Ukraine have completed sowing winter rapeUkraine has planted 1.8 million hectares of winter crops, including 862.2 thousand hectares of rapeseed. Farmers in five western
regions have completed sowing rapeseed, with Poltava, Kirovograd and Mykolaiv regions leading the way in grain sowing.
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Ukraine has already sown 1 million 800 thousand hectares of winter crops, farmers in five regions have already completed sowing winter rape, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy reported, UNN writes.

Ukrainian farmers have already sown 1,806.7 thousand hectares of winter crops.  Winter crops are being sown in all regions, with a total of 944.5 thou hectares planted. Winter rape has been sown on  862.2 thousand hectares. 

It is noted that farmers of Volyn, Rivne, Transcarpathian, Ternopil and Lviv regions have already completed sowing of winter rape. 

In particular, it has been sown:

  • winter wheat –  878.8 thou hectares;
  • winter barley – 45 thou hectares;
  • winter rye –  20.7 thou hectares;
  • winter rape –  862.2 thou hectares.

Among the leaders in sowing winter crops are farmers in Poltava region – 106.4 thou hectares, Kirovohrad region – 105.8 thou hectares, and Mykolaiv region – 89.9 thou hectares.


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