September 20, 2024
Europe's first lithium recycling plant opened in Germany: needed for electric car batteries thumbnail

Europe’s first lithium recycling plant opened in Germany: needed for electric car batteries

Europe’s first lithium recycling plant opened in Germany: needed for electric car batteriesAMG Lithium has opened a plant to produce lithium hydroxide for electric vehicle batteries. The plant will produce 20,000 tons per
year, enough for half a million electric cars.
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Europe’s first lithium processing plant has opened in Germany, the company will produce lithium hydroxide, which is needed for electric vehicle batteries, UNN reports citing Euronews.


AMG Lithium has opened Europe’s first lithium hydroxide processing plant in Germany. It took a little over two years and 140 million euros to build the plant.

Lithium is a key element required to make electric vehicle batteries. 

The plant will source most of its raw materials from Brazil and then convert lithium into lithium hydroxide, which is essential for batteries.

The German facility is expected to produce 20,000 tons of lithium hydroxide per year, enough for half a million electric vehicles.

One of the goals of the plant is to reduce the dependence of European countries on external sources of supply. In the future, it will also process lithium mined in Europe.

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