September 29, 2024
Customs officers accused of illegal exemption from payment of UAH 110 million thumbnail

Customs officers accused of illegal exemption from payment of UAH 110 million

Customs officers accused of illegal exemption from payment of UAH 110 millionThe Sumy Prosecutor’s Office has filed a case against five customs officers. They are accused of unlawfully releasing a company
from paying UAH 110 million in customs duties due to improper performance of duties.
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The Sumy Prosecutor’s Office accuses customs officers of unjustifiably releasing an entrepreneur from UAH 110 million in customs payments. This is reported by the Prosecutor’s Office of Sumy region, UNN reports.


The Sumy Regional Prosecutor’s Office has completed the investigation and submitted to the court indictments against four chief state inspectors of the Central Customs Post in Sumy and one inspector from the Velyka Pysarivka Customs Post.

The investigation revealed that the defendants, without checking the legality of the application of customs privileges, exempted the limited liability company from paying customs duties and value added tax. They unlawfully applied the preference, which came into force only on April 1, 2022, while the goods were imported into the customs territory of Ukraine before that date.

The state budget of Ukraine suffered losses of UAH 110 million as a result of improper performance of official duties by customs officers. The pre-trial investigation was conducted by investigators of the State Bureau of Investigation in Poltava.

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