“ARMA rejected all applications for the management of the Gulliver shopping centerARMA rejected all applications for the management of the Gulliver shopping center after checking the participants, discovering
connections with the Russian Federation. A new competition will be announced soon.”, — write: unn.ua
Three companies participated in the competition. The agency claims that they carefully checked the documents submitted by the participants for compliance with the requirements of the tender documentation. Among other things, ARMA sent requests to law enforcement and intelligence agencies to check the involvement of participants with the owner of the arrested asset or the aggressor country, or countries associated with the aggressor country.
Initially, the agency rejected the candidacies of the first two participants, and on March 20, the documents of Alakor City LLC were considered, as a result of which a decision was made to reject the third participant in the competition.
“ARMA is ready to announce a new competition. The National Agency will categorically not allow entities related to former owners or affiliated with the Russian Federation to manage the shopping center and other seized assets,” the agency stressed.
We remind
ARMA announced a competition on October 30 to select a manager for the Gulliver shopping center. Earlier, a number of media reported about the connections of Alakor City LLC with Russians and the entourage of ex-President Petro Poroshenko.
UNN journalists conducted their own investigation, which confirmed these facts. The owner of Alakor City is businessman Dmytro Adamovskyi, the son of scandalous businessman Andriy Adamovskyi. Although Adamovskyi Jr. now positions himself as an honest citizen of Canada, according to our information, he still has Russian citizenship. He probably received the aggressor country’s passport back in 2005.
In addition, as it turned out, Alakor City LLC has significant financial problems. As it became known from the data of the Unified State Register of Court Decisions, the State Tax Service of Ukraine requires the company to pay more than 66 million hryvnias to the budget.