“The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority said its investigation team had made preliminary findings that the mobile browser market was not working well for UK businesses and millions of phone users.”, — write: www.epravda.com.ua
The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority said its investigation team had made preliminary findings that the mobile browser market was not working well for UK businesses and millions of phone users.
About this informs Reuters.
The group’s biggest concern is Apple’s policy on Internet access on the iPhone. It previously found that Apple’s rules limited competitors’ ability to create new features that could benefit consumers.
The statement said that many smaller UK app developers wanted to use progressive web apps – an alternative way of delivering apps to users without having to download them through an app store – but the technology had not been able to fully develop on Apple devices.
The revenue-sharing agreement between Google and Apple also reduced their incentives to compete in mobile browsers on Apple devices, the study found.
“We are concerned that the intrusions described in the report for further review under the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Act will undermine user privacy and security and interfere with our ability to create the technologies that distinguish Apple,” the company said in a statement.
We will remind:
Apple offered to spend $100 million on manufacturing facilities in Indonesia after the Southeast Asian country’s government banned the sale of its latest iPhones.