“Part of the Steps Toward Sharing Revenue Wuld be to make the Uniswap Foundation a Legal Entity.”, – WRITE: www.coindesk.com
The initiats, dubbed “Uniswap Unleashed,” Introduced a New Grants Program and Liquidity Incentives While Hinting at Initial Steps for a “Fee Switch,” A Long-Contested PTOC of Trading Fees to Holders of Uniswap’s Uni.
RELEVANT GOVERNANCE POSTS HAVE NOT DIRECTLY MENtioned A Fee Switch But Noted Plans to “Activate Revenue.”
The Foundation Requested $ 95.4 Million for Its Grants Budget and $ 25.1 Million for Operations Over Two Years, Plus $ 45 Million for Liquidity Incentives to Attract Campaigns.
Both Proposals Passed with More than 80% of Uni Token Holders in Favor, Governance Data Shows.
The Passage Could now Put Into Motion The FEE-SWitch, A Longtime Community Goal That Wound Shift Some Protocol Revenue-Currently Over $ 1 Billion Annuly-from Liquing. ITS ACTIVATION, DELAYED BY PAST FAILED VOTES, HINGES ON LEGAL Preparations by the Foundation.
The Proposal Was Initially Proceded in July 2021 to Pilot the Switch for a Small Set of Uniswap Protocol Pools. The Switch Will Not Increase Fees for Users But Will Retain A Small PORTION OF WHAT IS CURRENTLY PAID OUT TO LIQUidity Providers (LP), Or Users Who Lock Up Their To.
However, It Could Mean Lesser FEE EARNINGS FOR UNISWAP’S LPS AND MORE REWARDS FOR HOLDERS OF UNISWAP’s Native Token Uni, WHICH AcCRESS VALUE FOR UNI Holders – Leaving The Proposal Holders. One Such Vote Failed to Pass in 2023 After Being Voted Against by Influential Token Holders.
Part of the Steps Town Sharing Revenue Wuldy Be To The Uniswap Foundation-A Non-Profeit That Helps Develop and MainTain Uniswap protocols.
“If Our Vetting Is Successful and We Believe the Creation of a Legal Entity for Uniswap Governance is in Its Best Interest, We WE WE WOULD PROPOSE TO GOVERNANCE TO IMPLEMENT A LEGAL Ent.
“If adapted, this step would pave the way for the potential intraduction (or re-atroduction) of a governance proposal for delegates to Earn Protocol Revenue,” IT Noted.
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