September 19, 2024
People's deputies of the Republic of Belarus voted to reset the customs office thumbnail

People’s deputies of the Republic of Belarus voted to reset the customs office

People’s deputies of the Verkhovna Rada voted to restart the Ukrainian customs. On September 17, a total of 260 People’s Deputies voted for the corresponding bill No. 6490-d. This was announced by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy, Danylo Hetmantsev (“Servant of the People”). He recalled the proposals and amendments made to the draft law in the second reading: the regulation of the essential ones […]”, — write:

People’s deputies of the Verkhovna Rada voted to restart the Ukrainian customs. On September 17, a total of 260 people voted for the corresponding bill No. 6490-d deputies

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This was announced by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy, Danylo Hetmantsev (“Servant of the People”). He recalled the proposals and amendments made to the draft law in the second reading:

settlement of the essential conditions of the contract on the completion of service in the customs authorities;
determination of requirements for professional competence of officials of customs bodies;
introduction of the procedure of rotations of officials of customs authorities, integrity checks and lifestyle monitoring;
the possibility of conducting a psychophysiological survey with the use of a polygraph of customs officials;
the terms of payment of customs officials have been regulated.
improved approaches to the formation of a competition commission for conducting a competition for the position of head of the central executive body that implements state customs policy, attestation commissions and commissions for conducting an external independent assessment (audit) of the effectiveness of the central executive body that implements state customs policy, etc.

Customs reform is one of the beacons of the Memorandum of Cooperation signed by Ukraine with the International Monetary Fund. In order to continue receiving macro-financial tranches, our country must complete it by the end of October. The first deputy chairman of the tax committee Yaroslav Zheleznyak (“Voice”) reminded about this.

“This is a beacon for the IMF, the World Bank and the USA. And all business associations. And the public. But the most important thing is that it is the best that could be done on our part to increase revenues to the budget,” said the People’s Deputy.

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