“OCC Lifts Approval and Control Requirements for Banks Engaging in Cryptocurrency Activities in New Interpretive Letter.”, – WRITE: www.coindesk.com
In a new interpretive letter, the OCC Clarified that National Banks and Federal Savings Associations Can Legally Provide Crypto Custody, Conduct Certain Stablecoin-Relattered Activite.
“The OCC Experts Banks to have the Same Strong Risk Management Controls in Place to Support Novel Bank Activities As They Do for Traditional Ones,“ SAID ACTING CURLER.
“Today’s Action Will Reduce The Burden On Banks to Engage in Crypto-Related Activities and ENSURE THAT THAT BANK ACTIVITIES ATIOLS
As part of this New Interpretive Letter, The OCC WitHDRDW A STATEMENT IT MADE IN 2023 On Liquidity Risks for Banks from Crypto, Suggesting a Rollback of Prior Concerns About. Stability.
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