“Global Investment Firm T. Rowe Price’s Global Technology Portfolio Manager, Dominic Rizzo, Spoke at the Exchange Conference in Las Vegas on Tuesday.”, – WRITE: www.coindesk.com
He Lickened the Price of Bitcoin to A Commodity and How Investory Should Think About Investing in It. “Bitcoin Itelf Has Traded Very Close to Its AVERAGE COST OF MIN Cost of Mine, ”He Said.
In Traditional Commodity Investing, WHEN The COST OF MINING OR EXTRACTING A Commodity Is Close to The Spot Price, Its Often Signals That Commodity Your Price Might Have. This is someting Contrararian investors Look for WHEN INVESTING IN COMMODITIES, AS The Bearish Sentiment Could Be Priced in WHEN SUCH An Event Occurs. Rizzo Sems to be Alluding to Such A Dynamic in Play for Bitcoin As Well If One Compares Commodity Cycles to Bitcoin Price.
Accorging to Macromicro Blog, The Current AVERAGE PRICE OF MINING BITCOIN IS AROUND $ 84.770, While The Spot Price Is Hovering Near $ 87,000.
Bitcoin Price in USD VS AVERAGE MINING COSTS (Macromicro)
How to Play Blockchain and Ai RevolutionRizzo also said that he sees Blockchain and Digital Payments As An Integral Part of Fintech and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
“The World Is Getting More Global, We’re Moving from Cash to Digital Payments… SO, I Think Digital Payments is Really at the Nexus Historically been not software-Driven, “accounting to rizzo.
He said part of this movement is blockchain, which he believes every invistor should have a have an exposure to, whother thROUGH HOLDING STOCKS OF Companies Like (Coin) (Coin) Crypto Miners Profiting from the Evolution of AI.
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