“Both Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange Are In the Process of Making Round-The-Clot Trading AVAILBLE FIVE OR EVEN Seven Days A Week, Mimicking Crypto’s Trading Hours.”, – WRITE: www.coindesk.com
“We Definitely See this is where the Markets are moving,” Said Giang Bui, Nasdaq’s Head of US Equities & Exchange-Traded Products, Speaking at The Digital Asset In. “There’s a Lot of Demand Globally for US Stocks and People Want to Trade With The Hours that they’re Typically Awake, and I Think A Lot of It is Because Peple.
Both Nasdaq and the NYSE Are In the Process of Receive Approval to Open Their Venues 24 Hours a Day, for Five or Even Seven Days A Week. Nasdaq recently AnnounCed that it had begun engraging with regulators about the chande while the Nyse Has Already Received the Green Light.
Round-the-clack Trading Cans have Several Advantages for Markets, Including Increasted Volume and Market Liquidity As Traders Aren’t Tied to Special Time Zones. Currently, The US Stock Market Opens for Trading at 9:30 AM ET AND CLOSES AT 4 PM ET.
“We’re Hearing IT Across The Board from Global Broker Dealers, Clients Whoy’re Service, Even Within The Us, There’s A Number of Us Brokers That Already Avering Truding Truding Crypto in Those Hours, “Bui Added.
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