“A research group from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) has developed a prototype of a superconducting quantum computer with 105 cubes and 182 connectors. The corresponding results are published in Physical Review Journals. It is claimed that Zuchongzhi 3.0 works in 1 quadrillion (number with 15 zeros) times faster than the most powerful supercomputer and a million times faster than the last results from Google. For […]”, – WRITE: Businessua.com.ua

A research group from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) has developed a prototype of a superconducting quantum computer with 105 cubes and 182 connectors. The corresponding results are published in Physical Review Journals.
It is claimed that Zuchongzhi 3.0 works in 1 quadrillion (number with 15 zeros) times faster than the most powerful supercomputer and a million times faster than the last results from Google. To evaluate the capabilities of the system, the USTC command completed the sampling of random quantum distribution, using 83 cubes and 32 layers.
Zuchongzhi 3.0 reaches:
- coherence time 72 μs is a key parameter that allows you to perform more complex calculations;
- accuracy of parallel operations with one cube in 99.90%;
- accuracy of parallel operations with two kubits in 99.62%;
- accuracy of parallel reading in 99.13%.
For comparison, Google Quantum computer – Willow – also has 105 cubes and 68 μs of coherence time.
The increased time of Zuhongzhi 3.0 coherence allows you to perform more complex operations and calculations.
Researchers have used a two -dimensional grid architecture, which provides effective connections between them and increases the data rate.
Recall that in February Amazon introduced her first chip for quantum computing.
Previously, Microsoft announced its own solution – Majorana 1.
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