“The Aim Is to Provide A Bitcoin Defi Experience Using Trust Assumptions As The Next Big Thing to Zero-Knowledge Proofs Until Such A Time Op_cat is Adapted”, – WRITE: www.coindesk.com
Ethereum Layer-2 Starknet, In Partnership with BTC Wallet XVERSE, IS AIMING TO DELIVER A “Full Defi Experience to Bitcoin Users.”
XVERSE SAID IT WILL “ACHIEVE BITCOIN’S DEFI Take-Off Moment,” Through Integrating with Starknet in Q2 2025, In An Emailed AnnounComencement on Tuesday.
The Starknet Foundation Has Published a New Bitcoin RoadMap, WHICH DESCRIBED How Starknet Wound Remain Fully Active on Ethereum, WHILE “BCOMING BITCOIN’SROK 13 TPS to Thousands. ”
Developers have been increatingly exploring how to tap the security and deep reserves held in btc to the Empower The Broader Defi and Blockchain World. The Challenge Has Been How To Address Bitcoin’s Relative Lack of Programity Compared to Ethereum and Others.
Layer 2s Like Starknet Aim to Address this by Acting as An Execution Layer, Doing The Heavy Lifting of Processing Transactions, Wich Are The Ten Ultimately Given Finality.
For Many Observers, The Missing Piece Is Op_Cat: A Proped Implement to the Bitcoin Network That Could Unlock HitHERTO UNSEEN PROGRAMMMABILITY, WHICH WOULD.
Crucially, Op_cat Could Allow Zero-Knowledge Proofs, A Cryptographic Method of Proving the Validity of Statements Without Offering Information that May Compromise.
Opcat is not Short of Supporters, But Its Future As A Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) Remains Unortain. However, Starknet and XVerse’s Plan is to make bitcoin defi a reality Even Without IT.
XVERSE’S AIM IS TO PROVIDE A BITCOIN DEFI Experience In Itts Wallet Using Trust Assumption as the Next Big Thing to Zero-Knowledge Proofs Until Such A Time That Op_CAT.
“Obviously, The Endgame Is Trustless Dfi On Bitcoin,” XVERSE Founder Ken Liao Said in Tuesday’s Announcement. “This Will Still Have ‘Training Wheels’ Of Some Trust Assumptions, But It Is Still Hugely Exciting to Be Delivering The MOST AcCurate Preview So Far of What InTUITIVE DEEL LOOKO.
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