March 11, 2025
Ethereum Development found interventions in PECTRA's deployment on Sepolia thumbnail

Ethereum Development found interventions in PECTRA’s deployment on Sepolia

March 5 Activation Problems Gardifa Petra in Sepolia Testettene increased the attacker’s actions. This was told by Ethereum developer Marius Van der Weiden. I Wrote Up The Story of the Pectra Incident on Sepolia, Its An Interesting Story About Edge Cases, Coordination and An Attacker Who Swarded In and Made Our Lives Much Harder! Check It Out (4min Read): […]”, – WRITE:

Ethereum developers found interventions in PECTRA's deployment on Sepolia - Infbusiness

March 5 Activation Problems Gardifa Petra in Sepolia Testettene increased the attacker’s actions. This was told by Ethereum developer Marius Van der Weiden.

I wrote up the Story of the pectra incident on Sepolia, Its An Interesting Story About Edge Cases, Coordination and An Attacker Who Swarded In and Made Our Lives Much Harder!

Check It Out (4min Read):

– Mariusvanderwijden (@vdwijden) March 9, 2025

After updating the Geth client, the programmer’s team began to report errors and get empty blocks. The failure caused incorrect generation of the event with a deposit contract. He was sent a test transaction to check the functionality of withdrawal.

The developers created a patch and after about three and a half hours coordinated it. However, the network soon began to produce empty blocks. The programmers have found another problematic transaction that led to the same mistake.

According to Van der Weiden, at first they decided that one of the trusted validators had inaccurate. But, as it turned out, the operation was conducted from a new, recently replenished account.

The developer noted that the attacker used the border case that they had overlooked. The ERC-20 standard allows anyone to make zero transfers to other addresses, even in the absence of tokens. The attacker again caused a failure of a similar transaction.

The Ethereum team suspected that the attacker reads any of their chats and decided to carry out the update without publicity.

“The only way to stop the attack is to filter all transactions that interact with a deposit contract. Therefore, we made a private correction that we deployed on several our own nodes, ”Van der Weiden explained.

These nodes made up about 10% of the network, which made it possible to offer full blocks and use the Testnet for further coordinated correction.

“We did not lose the finalization during the incident. As mentioned earlier, the problem has arisen only on Sepolia, as we use a deposit contract with a token zamcom, unlike the main network, ”the developer added.

Recall that the team has planned to activate the PECTRA in Ethereum Mainenet at the beginning of April.

WPGRIDE PECTRA: On the way to scaling and mass acceptance Ethereum

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