“Kraken Founder Jesse Powell and Pardoned Silk Road Founder Ross Ulbricht Are Also Standing with Ver.”, – WRITE: www.coindesk.com
Now, Many Industry Veterans Are Coming to His Support, Including Ethereum Co-FOUNDER Vitalik Buterin, Who Called The Potential Sentence “Absurd.”
“Going to Prison for the REST OF YOUR LIFE OVER Non-Violent Tax Offenses is Absurd,” Buterin Said on a Social Media Post. “The CASE AGAINST ROGER SEEMS VERY POLITICALLY MOTIVATED; Like with ross Ulbricht, there have been Plenty of People and Corporations Who Have Been Acused of Far WORSE and Yet Faced SentenCes Far Milder than What Roger Is Facing. ”
Going to Prison for the REST OF YOUR LIFE OVER NON-Violent Tax Offenses is Absurd. The Case Against Roger Sems Very Political Motivated; Like with @realrossu, there have been Plenty of People and Corporations Who Have Been Acused of Far Worsse and Yet Faced SentenCes Far… https://t.co/7g3zdkn2f2
– vitalik.th (@vitalikbuterin) March 1, 2025
His Words Come After Silk Road Founder Ross Ulbricht, Who Was SentenCed to Life in Prison for Creating The Darknet Marketplace and Later Pardoned by US President Donld Trumd Trump, Showed. “SPEAND The REST OF LIFE IN PRICON OVER TAXES.”
Similarly, Kraken Founder Jesse Powell Has Argued in Ver’s Defense. “The reality is, they just’t like him and they want to get him, and they will use any excuse at them to get him or make his life hell for as long as they can.”
Ver and his legal team are challenging the caase, arguing that the charges brought against him are politically motivated.